- Fallout 4 Factions List
- Fallout 4 All Factions Survive
- Fallout 4 All Factions Survive Mod 1.7.10
- Fallout 4 All Factions Survive Mods
Hello, I'm looking for the game that's like the CW TV Show 'The 100', Fallout is the closest game to the show, post-nuclear world, diferent factions, survival, colonies and etc., but however Fallout isn't based on that stuff, so I'm curious, is there any mod packs or something like that to make Fallout 4 more like colony building, different factions fighting with each other, survival game with. Not only does Fallout 4's Project Valkyrie mod add 20 new quests and a handful of dungeons, bunkers, and player bases to the Commonwealth, it lets you alter the base game's ending. I recently discovered a mod I'd been looking for for some time. Fallout 4 Desolation removes all instances of npcs from the world essentially emptying all location. I've been testing it for a while with some spawning mods and it feels great to explore a desolate version of Boston with totally random and quite seldom encounters. You get a special Armor Mod that gives you bonus Damage against Coursers and other Institute faction Elements. You get the Railway Rifle, and Legendary variants start appearing in the Wasteland when you do. And you get the Vertibird, but only after completing the main story.
With more than 600 hours invested into Fallout 4, I've found more than one way to spice up playing -- be it some truly in-depth character roleplaying or mods set to crank up the difficulty. When it boils down to it, I'm an immersion kind of guy. I really enjoy getting into character and thinking about things from a different perspective.
So with that in mind, let's take a look at some of the mods I feel boost immersion the most in Fallout 4 -- and are close to always in my load order.
Immersive Vendors by Xgrufijury
Ever thought that the vanilla vendor stalls just felt empty or lacking? I mean, aside from slight visual differences, they all felt samey. Immersive vendors fixes that by adding variety to the vendor stalls you can build at your settlements. It also populates the higher-end stalls with higher quality items to reflect its store level.
It's a minor mod but to me, it's all about those little details, especially since I really enjoy the settlement building aspect of Fallout 4. I also tend to spend a lot of time with setting up my settlements to look busier and more populated, so this mod is a big plus for me.
Eliminate Stupid Lines by Anbeegod
This is a gem of a mod that helps reduce the number of annoying generic dialog lines from generic NPCs. It's really immersion breaking, and kinda' stupid, to walk into a settlement that you own and have a random farmer say something like, 'Oh, you have a dangerous look about you. Hope you're not here for me..'
No, I'm not here for you -- I own this place. I'm the general of the Minutemen -- a defender of the common man of the wastes -- not some scummy raider. This mod helps to regulate some of those annoying lines based on your game progression choices and standings with various factions.
Rain of Brass by XLSJ
This is a really simple mod that extends the life of spent bullet casings and increases the area in which you can see them. Now, that might not seem like much of a mod, but don't knock it until you try it.
It makes the aftermath of a shootout look glorious. Spent casings litter the ground -- some still rolling down uneven terrain. It shows you just how awesome the battles are by being able to see all of the spent casings surrounding all the bodies you just stacked like a boss. Now, if only there was a mod so that you could smell that sweet gunpowder odor after going cyclic with the minigun...
Long Range Bullet Holes by SLXJ
A companion mod of sorts to SLXJ's Rain of Brass mod, the Long Range Bullet Holes mod is another nice (albeit small) touch mod that does exactly what the name implies. In addition, it also makes it take longer for bullet holes to 'heal' and disappear.
These two mods together just make battles look glorious -- and like an actual fight went down. It's the little details that matter.
Automatically Lower Weapons by Pauderek
This is a different version than the first Lower Weapon mod that came out shortly following the release of Fallout 4. This mod adds increased time delay and checks for certain actions before raising/lowering your weapon.
If you're someone who has never held a weapon for a long time, you might not know that you're only ever pointing your weapon forward (or at your target for generally as long as you're firing in that direction). Guns are heavy blokes and your arms wouldn't be able to maintain a 'fire-ready' position for long. So this makes things a lot more realistic.
Lone Wanderer Fast Travel by LoneRaptor

A more recent addition to the game, this fast travel mod adds in a repairable motorcycle that you can use primarily for fast travel. It also has some storage ability and houses some camping gear, which is greatly useful with survival mode's save system.
It makes sense that there would be some of these smaller vehicles that could be repaired or at least made somewhat functional for quicker travel. The added benefits help out in survival mode, where you have more needs and your carrying capacity is limited.
Worthless Mod by Paddygarcia
Fallout 4 Factions List
Ever notice how even the most useless scraps of stuff in Fallout 4 had some sort of use? This mod adds in junk that is truly junk -- it is actually worthless in every sense of the word.
Isn't it weird that, after all these years following the great fallout, there's all this stuff and none of it is totally busted? You mean to tell me that this toaster, that has sat here for over 200 years, is still functional? Well, this mod fixes that.
A small immersion builder, Worthless Mod makes me enjoy the game that much more by realistically making things worthless.
So there we have it -- seven immersion mods that make Fallout 4 a more enjoyable experience for me -- and probably everyone else. Hopefully, some of these mods are new to you and you can enjoy them for the first time, seeing how they really change up the game, if only a little bit.
If you're hungry for more mods, try checking out some of these other great articles:
As any fan of Fallout games can tell you, the vanilla features will only get you so far.
I mean sure, wearing the vault jumpsuit and a random Power Armor may be enough to get you through your first playthrough. And enough alternative armors are laying around to keep you busy for a while.
But eventually cosplaying a Raider will get old.
You’re always going to need more.
Fallout 4 All Factions Survive
Luckily people realized this and modders of Bethesda games have had many years to perfect the art of tending to your every desire.
Whether you’re looking for the ultimate armor to make you feel like an Avenger, or just want to make the game a bit more risqué by modifying everyone’s outfits, someone has just the mod for you.
15. Vault-Tec Security Armor
Among my least favorite changes done to Fallout’s aesthetic after New Vegas are those done to vault-related apparel, specifically security armor.
Modder ThatSpartacusGuy seems to be in the same camp as me, and they’ve created this mod to give the Vault Security Armor a bit more grit and realism.
It simply takes the New Vegas-style Sierra Madre Security Armor and adds it to the game.
This cool-looking armor is quite customizable, starting with the decals on the front.
14. CBBE Skimpy Armor and Clothing Replacer
Look, I personally don’t like turning my Fallout 4 game into a Playboy magazine.
But a lot of people reading this are here just for that, and I owe myself to my audience.
That’s why I’m showcasing TyronJam’s CBBE Skimpy Armor and Clothing Replacer, which simply turns several vanilla outfits into very revealing versions of themselves to better show off Caliente’s Beautiful Bodies Edition.
It’s sexy, it’s a bit trashy.
And it’s everything you’ve always wanted in a single pack.
13. Vault Suit Utility Belt
On a more serious note, we have a mod that instead of completely destroying immersion like the previous one, will actually make the game more lore-friendly than before.
Modder SpiffySkyTrooper found the lack of a metal utility belt to go with the vault suit.

Like those seen in Fallout 3 and other entries in the franchise, to be a terrible conflict in Fallout’s continuity. To fix it they designed a new one from scratch, trying to mimic the game’s artistic direction.
The result is this sleek metallic belt that’s as shiny as it’s immersive.
12. HN66S SIRIUS.12 Assault Suit
And if you like covering your waistline with a shiny, metallic belt, why not go all the way and protect your entire body?
That’s what HumanNature66’s SIRIUS Assault Suit is here to accomplish, giving you a full set of lore-friendly robot-like armor that emphasizes your figure while also making you look very dangerous.
I mean look at those killer heels!
Not only that, but you can also wear regular pieces of armor over it. Making you virtually untouchable.
You’re a piece of art and they’re only allowed to look.
11. Sl00ty Vault Jumpsuit
Speaking of things that emphasize your figure…
You really can’t have a Bethesda game without people trying to make their characters absolute bombshells, and what better way to do that in Fallout 4 than making your default outfit much more revealing?
It’s just the default vault jumpsuit with ample cleavage and sexier textures that make your body look as if it barely fits inside.
It’s a must if you have the CBBE body mod, and it’s also the basis for many others.
10. MGS Beauty Beast Corps Armor
Continuing the streak of skin-tight jumpsuits comes the Beauty Beast Corps armor from Metal Gear Solid 4, now available in Fallout 4 thanks to modder Xarenth.
It may not be the most lore-friendly outfit ever, but it does look like something the Institute could come up with, so your immersion should be safe.
It’s just one of the many bodacious femme fatale outfits modded into the game, and one of the very best.
Re-live your favorite moments in MGS4 from an entirely new perspective.
Now we just need the Octocamo suit for male characters…
9. Commonwealth Shorts
Doesn’t anybody wear shorts in the Commonwealth?
It may be a post-apocalyptic Wasteland, but it must be hot sometimes!
To fix this un-immersive overlook on the part of the developers, modder DeserterX offers 16 new craftable outfits with shorts.
Not only can you survive in the summer, but you can also show off your legs, toned from never using Fast Travel.
Now it can be casual Friday every day.
8. Tactical Combat Swimwear
And if you want the ultimate summer Wasteland experience, you have to get Jmanumber1’s Tactical Combat Swimwear.
It’s tactical because… well, you’ll probably confuse and distract your opponents while also keeping your guns and other equipment handy, therefore getting some easy kills and a lot of clout.
Having a harness with your gear and a headset on makes running around half-naked much more immersive.
Add a watch and a Paracord bracelet and you’re essentially Lara Croft.
7. Courser X-92 Power Suit
Instead of covering yourself in protective gear, why not becoming more durable yourself?
That’s the fantasy sold by DeserterX’s Courser X-92 Power Suit, which will make you look like a state-of-the-art battle synth developed by the Institute to counter Power Armor.
This mod includes the full-body armor, goggles, a new PipBoy, and special craftable fusion cores that’ll buff you up tremendously.
All this gives you a chance against anything from a deathclaw to a super mutant without having to wear a bulky Power Armor.
6. Concealed Armors
Choosing between functionality and fashion has always been a challenge for RPG lovers, especially in games with so many gear options as Fallout 4.
With this mod by creator Nisas, you can now make your protective armor completely invisible, allowing you to endure the harsh life of the Wasteland without compromising your looks.
You’ll be 100% safe and 100% on fleek.
5. Cross Pre-War Cybernetics
On the other side of the visibility spectrum we have Cross Pre-War Cybernetics.
If there were robots before the war, why wouldn’t there be cybernetic implants?
Modder Niero offers the cyberpunk-inclined a chance to take on the Wasteland with a fully customizable cybernetic armor. Including robot arms and the like.
Other than choosing their color, the player may also add different gadgets and other modifications to their cybernetics, from a flamethrower to simple firmware updates to expand functionality.
It’s complex.
But that’s precisely what makes it so good.
4. K-9 Harness – Armor for Dogmeat
Few things are as cute and heartwarming as a K9 operative walking around fighting crime in their cool-looking doggy kevlar vest.
Thanks to this mod by prolific creator FadingSignal, you can now enlist Dogmeat to your personal police force and outfit it with a beautifully designed and very practical harness that’ll protect it from the dangers of the job.
Other than adding or removing the optional back and side pouches that give Dogmeat more carryweight, you can also choose the color and decorative patches you want on the harness.
Now this is what I call a “good boy”.
3. Eli’s Armour Compendium
Like many things in life, armor mods are usually as good as they are convenient.
Instead of scouring the Nexus looking for a bunch of outfits you’ll grow tired of in a couple of days, why not install this pack with a truckload of looks designed by modding-celebrity Elianora?
Fallout 4 All Factions Survive Mod 1.7.10
With 50 new lore-friendly armor sets and 20 different accessories, you’ll never want new cool-looking outfits again.
2. Black Widow Armor and PipBoy
As you progress in Fallout 4, much like in Skyrim and other Bethesda games, you start becoming a true force of nature, killing and conquering any place you set your sights on.
To truly embody this fantasy of being an unstoppable force, you need gear that anyone can recognize a mile away.
That’s exactly what DeserterX offers with the Black Widow armor, an all-black grim reaper look, complete with a black PipBoy.
Fallout 4 All Factions Survive Mods
Not only is it the most badass mercenary armor ever, but the mod also includes a quest where you’ll take on the mantle of the Black Widow and enter the world of souls to fulfill the original wearer’s wish.
1. Armorsmith Extended
But if you’re looking for the most bang for your time spent installing mods, then Armorsmith Extended is the best deal you’ll find(and the bang comes at $0 so it’s really a deal!)
This mod by Gambit77 is one of the most endorsed in the Nexus thanks to just how much stuff it does to improve the armoring system.
You can now wear any kind of clothing below armors, any hat or helmet will be compatible with bandannas or gas masks… the whole modding system is redone for more customizability – and that’s not even half of it!
This is what the game should have been from the start.
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