Description A lot of people seemed to like my rendition of the Medic from Team Fortress Classic, so I decided to do the Heavy too. I have to say that rigging the model to make the shapes like the belt and jacket deform correctly with Source's limit of 3 bones per vertex was a living hell. A heavy load off my shoulders. A Team Fortress 2 (TF2) Skin Mod in the Animations category, submitted by Paysus. Face of the Band: Although not as much as in TF2, the Heavy Weapons Guy was the only class that was on the box art and the only one that is on the main menu. The Team Fortress 2 webcomic solidifies this by having the Classic Heavy being shown as the leader of the retired squad. July 10, 2020 - TF2 Team. People always talk about what a great musician Mozart was. But you know who never updated any of his albums with free music? Go ahead, guess. Did you guess Team Fortress 2? Because we're adding three new numbers from our Jungle Inferno update to the TF2 Fight Songs album.
Heavy Weapons Guy (Classic) | |
Basic Information | |
Health: | 100 / 150 |
Armor: | 300 |
Armor type: | Heavy |
Speed: | 76% |
The Heavy Weapons Guy is a playable class in Team Fortress Classic and one of the antagonists of the Team Fortress Comics series. He is notable for his large size, and is outfitted with Heavy Armor, as well as a Single-Barrel Shotgun, Double-Barrel Shotgun, and Assault Cannon. For grenades, the Heavy Weapons Guy is equipped with two powerful grenade types, the Hand Grenade and MIRV Grenade. However, he is the slowest class in the game. This makes him a great defensive class as he can take many hits before dying and has enough firepower to quickly inflict significant damage. Players need to be careful with their ammo, though. The Heavy Weapons Guy only uses Shells as ammunition and the Assault Cannon uses them all up in 20 seconds.
Basic strategy
- It is much easier to play offensively if you have a Medic, an Engineer or both with you, otherwise staying on defense might be a better choice, as offensive HWguys are frequently looked down on and the power of the other team's defense will have you dead in no time.
- Remain in closed or partially-open areas, as Snipers will find you an exceptionally easy target due to your very slow movement speed and size.
- Use your size to block doorways and other passages.
- Improve your longevity by partnering with Medics and Engineers.
- Keep your Assault Cannon spinning if you aren't moving.
Special abilities
Class Skill: Uses Assault Cannon.
Abilities: Cannot be pushed by explosions.
Weapon | Ammo | Damage per hit | Notes / Special Abilities | |||
Type | Loaded | Carried | ||||
Weapon 1 | Crowbar | N/A | N/A | N/A | 18 | |
Weapon 2 | Single-Barrel Shotgun | Shells | 8 | 200 | 4-24 | Fires six pellets. |
Weapon 3 | Double-Barrel Shotgun | Shells | 16 | 200 | 4-56 | Fires fourteen pellets. |
Weapon 4 | Assault Cannon | Shells | 200 | N/A | 8-32 |
Grenade | Grenades Carried | Damage Range | Notes / Special Abilities | |
Primary | Hand Grenade | 4 | 145-50 | Deals massive damage on a four second fuse. |
Secondary | MIRV Grenade | 2 | 145-50 per explosion (depending on radius) | Grenade splits into several miniature bombs upon detonation. These bombs detonate after a few seconds. |
Team Fortress Two
Team Fortress
In Team Fortress, the Assault Cannon will not fire while the user is walking with its barrel spinning and it uses 7 cells to spin up each time firing.
Update history
- Fixed Heavy Weapons Guys not being able to drop their cells.
- The Heavy Duty Rag from Team Fortress 2 resembles the 'do-rag' worn by the new Heavy model.
- The War Goggles from Team Fortress 2 were modeled after the goggles worn by the new Heavy model.
- The Heavy Lifter from Team Fortress 2 seem to be very loosely based on the clothing worn by the new Heavy model.
- The Combat Slacks from Team Fortress 2 are based on the armor worn by the new Heavy model.
- The Blue TFC Heavy appeared in the comics A Cold Day in Hell, Blood in the Water, Old Wounds, and The Naked and the Dead.
The new TFC Heavy Weapons Guy.
The old TFC Heavy Weapons Guy.
The QWTF Heavy Weapons Guy.
The Classic RED Heavy Weapons Guy as seen in the Catch-Up comic.
The Classic BLU Heavy as seen in A Cold Day in Hell.
The Classic BLU Heavy after he pushed the immortality machine into his body as seen in The Naked and the Dead.
See also
- Heavy in Team Fortress 2.
Updated the Nailgun:
- Damage rampup increased from 150% to 175% to match Scattergun (Max damage now 20 up from 17)
- Faster fire rate from 0.115s to 0.1s
- Clip size & max ammo reduced by 20%
Updated the Flamethrower:
- Made flames and airblast more reliable
Updated the Dynamite Pack:
- Recharge time slowed from 7s to 10s
- Faster throw charging time from 4s to 2s
- Airblast, bullets and melees push the main Dynamite Pack slightly further
- Airblasting Dynamite Bomblets now extinguishes their fuse
Updated the Mine Layer:
- Mines of losing team no longer detonate
Updated the Coilgun:
How To Install Team Fortress 2 Classic
- Fixed the Coilgun's Alt-fire preventing reloading when empty
Updated the Hunting Revolver:
- Fire rate slowed from 0.6s to 0.75s
Updated the Tranquilizer Gun:
- Effect duration is now affected by distance falloff
- Effect reworked: Colorblind victim, and slow their movements by 33% for up to 5s
- Includes: Move speed, reload speed, weapon switch speed, melee attack speed, and Minigun Spin-up and Spin-down speed
- No longer affects mouse sensitivity
Updated the Umbrella:

- Plays a sound when Alt-Fire is unsuccessful
Updated Teleporters:

- Are now 50 Metal by default, and can be reverted back to 125 with tf2c_building_gun_mettle 0
Updated Nail/Syringe Projectiles:
- Are now consistent with the Server's projectile position
- Enabled Vote Kicking by default
- Enabled vote kicking players in spectator
- Enabled Rate-limiting on ClientCommand 'voicemenu' (Voice Command spam has been limited to 0.3s, minimum)
- Allowed custom items_game.txts to now allow PDA items in Medieval
- Fixed Voice Chat to be a bit louder (If you've changed Voice_Scale, revert it back to 1)
- Fixed an oversight that allowed achievements to be earned in Randomizer
- Fixed a crash related to Arena Queue
- Fixed a crash related to Disguising
- Fixed a crash related to winning in Payload
- Fixed a Linux crash related to CTF
- Fixed broken sounds on Linux builds
- Fixed the GRN flamethrower particles
- Fixed being able to push stickybombs only once
- Fixed the 'Bounced Betty' achievement being unachievable
- Fixed loading item schemas packed inside maps
- Adjusted Demoman bots to use Stickies more often
- Adjusted Heavy bots to not eat Sandviches while ubered
- Adjusted Sniper bots to fix a case of picking bad spots
- Adjusted Civilian Bots to stay behind the frontline, and retreat to spawn if no cover is found
- Adjusted Randomized Loadouts from being preserved on intentional deaths
- Increased the Building Placement trace, to prevent some out-of-bounds exploits
- Updated players to say 'Thanks' when extinguished from afterburn
- Updated dropped ammo (i.e. dropped weapons) to glow
- Updated Map Icons for simplified server browser
- Updated the Changelevel Vote Issue to respect the Map Cycle
- Updated the Options menu to lower sensitivity as low as Legacy options can
- Updated the Medal Listings
- Updated the Voting Icons
- Updated navigation files for Mineside and Badwater
- Updated Localization

- Time has passed within Badwater, and is now brighter outside
Updated vip_harbor:
- Fixed a bug where RED's respawn time was shorter than BLU's respawn time, after capturing B
- Updated the respawn time after B's capture to be 10 seconds for RED, and 2 seconds for BLU
- Changed some models
- Added a new second route to the Escape Zone
- Made some areas brighter
- Added a small ammo kit to upper balcony at mid
- Added more cover for upper balcony at mid
- Adjusted respawn time for Red during Escape gates being open to be longer
- Small changes in general
Updated vip_trainyard:
- Updated the respawn time to be 2 seconds for BLU
- Shortened the round timer from 6 minutes to 4 minutes and 30 seconds
- Changed some models
See Full List On
Here's a small tutorial on how to use our Launcher+Updater program, for usage in updating the mod for yourself, and server owners:

For Windows users:
- Open the 'tf2classic' folder, in your Sourcemods folder.
- Find and open the 'TF2ClassicLauncher' executable.
- In the 'Launch game' tab, there's a button labeled 'Update'. Click this button to update the game. If it is faded out, you're up to date.
- After everything has installed, press the 'Launch' button, or locate the game in your Steam Library.
For Linux users:
- You'll need to download our Linux Only Updater, and once it's fully installed, please read through this PDF.
For Torrent Users:
- As this patch might put a lot of stress on the server behind the launcher, we've decided to also provide a manual download in the form of a torrent.
Team Fortress Heavy Voice
Optional Direct Mirror:
- If you are having trouble with either of these methods, here is a direct mirror for the 2.0.1 patch.
- Once downloaded, extract the files into your 'tf2classic' folder using 7zip.