Given my lifelong interest in comic books, it was only natural that I'd gravitate towards superhero roleplaying games. My first exposure was to TSR's Marvel Superheroes RPG. While I had a lot of fun with it, I quickly outgrew its relatively simple game mechanics. Champions, on the other hand, was too complicated and too much like a wargame for my tastes. Fortunately for me, Mayfair came out with DC Heroes, which is still IMO one of the best one available for the genre.
DC Heroes is unfortunately no longer in print, thoiugh its mechanics live on in the Blood of Heroes RPG, produced by Pulsar Games. A new DC Universe RPG had been released by West End Gamesbut it did not use the same mechanics as DC Heroes. It too is now dead.
I haven't run a DCH campaign in several years though, so I don't have much material here on my website that wasn't here three or four years ago - if you've stopped by to see if there's anything new you're probably out of luck (unless it's been a very long time since you stopped by!) I do occasionally check and update the links here, so if you haven't already, be sure to check out the links below to other websites concerning DC Heroes.
My Own DCH webpages:

DC Adventures doesn’t try to reinvent the wheel. It uses the Mutants & Masterminds Third Edition RPG system, which is itself based on 3 rd edition D&D’s Open Gaming License. That heritage. DC Heroes is unfortunately no longer in print, thoiugh its mechanics live on in the Blood of Heroes RPG, produced by Pulsar Games. A new DC Universe RPG had been released by West End Games but it did not use the same mechanics as DC Heroes. It too is now dead. An almost-complete MSH RPG resource, containing a plethora of gaming material for a Classic Marvel campaign, including a heap of character profiles, custom rules, a.
- 2nd to 3rd Edition - most of the notable differences between the two editions.
- DC in Dragon - a listing of early material for DC Heroes that appeared in TSR's Dragon magazine.
- Area AP Chart from a Dragon magazine article.
- Random Hero Point Table for character creation, another Dragon article.
- Speed and Distance AP chart from First Edition DC Heroes.
Dc Heroes Rpg Wiki
- DC Heroes FAQ, information and links from the DCH mailing list. (Down?)
- The Old DC Heroes mailing list archives - material from 1996.
- The current DC Heroes mailing list archives - more recent material from the list (duh!)
- The DC Heroes ftp archives,which is not the same thing as the mailing list archives even though everything here was originally posted on the mailing list. This is a distillation of the material that's been posted on the mailing list while the previous link is to the unexpurgated collection of everything that's been posted on the list.
- The home site of Mike Love's DC Heroes Character Builder software (for Windows only).
- The DC Heroes mailing list's online character database. (Down and moving to a new site?)
DC Heroes and everything associated with it is probably copyrighted or trademarked orsomething like that by DC Comics and possibly Mayfair Games, though I suppose Pulsar Games is probably the company with the rights to the game mechanics now instead of Mayfair. But they don't have a company logo so I'm keeping the Mayfair one here for now!
page updated slightly 7/31/03
Dc Heroes Rpg Review
Dc Heroes Rpg Modules Download
DC Heroes wasoriginally produced by Mayfair Games back in the mid-eighties.The game evolved through three editions and produced numeroussupplements and modules along the way. The game system (MEGS -Mayfair Exponential Gaming System) is still published under the Bloodof Heroes RPG from Pulsar Games (see the Gateway for alink to the Pulsar Games site). I have been running a series ofrelated campaigns set in the mainstream DC universe for severalyears (the first Enforcers of Justicegame started in late '92/early '93).
The campaigns started with the 2nd Edition rules, thenmoved to 3rd Edition. Eventually I created a hybrid set of rulesusing 2nd and 3rd Edition (and later Blood of Heroes) as well asincorporating some useful rules from other super hero RPGs. Ihave incorporated elements from TSR's original Marvel SuperHeroes RPG, GURPS Supers, and Champions. I will eventually beposting the hybrid rules as well as the game stats for thecharacters from my games.
The Who's Who section covers just about everything fromthe four different campaigns I have run. All of the campaignstook place in the same 'universe' and the charactersoften interacted with each other. Events in one game wouldhave an effect on the others and this led toa coherent 'sub-universe' set within the mainstream DCUniverse. I strive to keep the game as close to current DC continuity aspossible without hindering the freedom of the players. On more than one occasionthe characters in my game have played an active part in major crossover eventstorn from the current issues of DC Comics.
These web pages are a work in progress. I apologize for the numerous dead-end hyperlinks but have faith, eventually they will all work. |