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Pistolet Luger P08 Erfurt calibre 9 mm Catégorie B1. Bon état et très bonnes rayures; Daté 1917; Entièrement au même numéro 4399 sauf chargeur 763; Plaquettes bois originales; Parfait pour le TAR; Cet article nécessite l'envoi - de l'original de votre autorisation de détention d'armes - d'une copie de votre carte d'identité ( recto / verso ). Référence Luger-1. Data sheet Type Arme. .A.R) Quantité maximale dépassée. Montant minimum d'achat de 0 requis. Montant maximal d'achat de 0 autorisé . votre prix: 0.00€ 0.000. VICTIME DE SON SUCCÈS. Un prix unique de 0.00€ sera ajouté à votre commande. Catégories: 2e_Guerre_Mondiale, Armes de poing, Catégorie B, ALLEMAGNE, T.A.R, PISTOLET, P08. re: luger p08 erfurt 1917 lu1900 le Dim 30 Jan 2011, 18:30 Simpa ton erfurt , passes moi son n°+lettre , en mp si tu veux , à voir si un mag traine avec un n° proche , je puis faire un effort. Nouvelle annonce Boite de presentation pistolet P08 Luger artilleire ref 1. 68,00 EUR. Achat immédiat +8,00 EUR (livraison) AUTHENTIQUE CROSSE PLANCHETTE ACCESSOIRE PISTOLET MAUSER LUGER P08 ARTILLERIE. D'occasion. 1 180,00 EUR. ou Faire une offre +18,00 EUR (livraison) S p o n 0 L K 0 1 4 s A o C r M i s Z 8 I é. Wehrmacht p08 Luger Clé Outil-REPRO. Neuf. 9,75 EUR. Provenance : Allemagne. bonjour je possede un p08 artillerie donc canon long de 1917 quelle type d ogive et quelle poudre de chargement me conseiller vous , bien sur il me faudra faire de teste avec de la cartouche la moins charge a la plus chargé mais quelle palier et dosage faut il faire et il possible d utiliser des ogive blindé ? en vous remercient. Répondre. Michel Bottreau. 11 août 2018 6 h 30 min . Vous.
Sélection d'armes et de pistolets Luger : pistolet Luger P08 9 mm. Achetez votre pistolet Luger neuf ou d'occasion en ligne sur Naturabuy The 1917 Erfurt Luger, a German handgun used by soldiers in the war, is one of the sought after pieces from this era. Lugers that are available today can be found in various qualities from well-maintained in near mint condition, to badly damaged and eroded guns. This affects the value of the collector's item Bonjour. Sur le luger Erfurt de 1916, je charge avec 0.28 de Ba9, une ogive plomb tronconique de 125g avec une longueur de 28.45 mm. Très bon fonctionnement. j'ai voulu faire la même chose avec une ogive cuivrée pour le TAR puisque l'ogive plomb n'est pas règlementaire. Ça ne marche plus, l'ogive n'a pas tout à fait la même pente
Mon petit dernier un P08 ERFURT de 1914 manoloUOP le Sam 07 Juin 2014, 19:46. Bonjour, Voici ma dernière acquisition un P 08 fabriqué en 1914 par ERFURT, tout au même numéro sauf le chargeur, qui n'est pas cohérant sauf erreur. Je l'ai acheté à un Armurier comme ont en fait plus, patient, passionné et bien placé dans les prix, l'ARMURERIE FOULQUIER à Orléans :bravo: que je. WTS: 1917 Luger P08 Erfurt SPF Need to sell. 1917 dated Erfurt P08 Luger. This pistol is very nice. The top end has been reblued, bottom half is original finish. SN is 8631. ALL numbers match on parts with the exception of the grips which appear to be arsenal replacements. On the left grip.. Just wanted to show off my 1917 Eufurt P08 Luger The story I got was the Germans had to turn in all their arms at the end of the war. MASSIVE piles were made with them. The commanders let the troops march by the piles and pick out whatever they wanted P08 Erfurt 1917 Sehr seltene Pistole P08 Erfurt 1917 Waffe Lauf Griffstück und Gabel sowie Gelenk nummerngleich zustand 2-3 Magazin neu. Lauf gebrau Luger P08 Erfurt 1917 Pistol in 9mm Luger WWII veteran bring back. With capture papers , shipping note and copy of enlistment papers for a veteran who brought it back from the WWII. All matching and restored to like new condition With strong bore with some darkness in the groves. With original holster and loading tool Original Magazine with unit markings on the bottom of the magazine. Very.
Pistolet Luger P08 Erfurt calibre 9 mm Catégorie B
A staple in German firearms history and handgun history the world over, the Luger P08 was one of the first dependable semi-automatic handguns ever produced. It cycled using the complex but.. Pistolet semi-automatique P08 fabrication Erfurt de 1917, arme mono matricule sauf le chargeur qui est un chargeur fond alu seconde guerre (un peu incongru, mais infiniment plus solide et pratique! DWM P08 artillerie 1917 - 9x19. 1 260,00 € Nouveau; Luger P08 Erfurt - 1938 - 9x19. 1 789,99 € Pistolet Luger Suisse 06/24 - cal 7,65 Para. Retour en haut ST Militaria. Venez nous rejoindre Nous vous proposons parmi notre sélection d'armes à feu, des armes de poing, des carabines et des fusils. En plus d'armes à feu, vous pourrez vous procurer également des armes blanches, comme des. Ce pistolet fut la propriété successive de deux collectionneurs belge de renom. L'un d'eux, G. Machtelinckx, est connu mondialement pour fournir en documentation les plus grands auteurs U.S. comme Jan Still ou Eugene Bender. Ce Luger fut plusieurs fois, par le passé, l'objet d'articles dans des revues d'arme en langue française Le Luger Parabellum est définitivement devenu une pièce de collection à partir des années 1950. LugerP081917 . Calibre : 9 mm Parabellum Poids non chargé : 0,850 kg Longueur : 23 cm Longueur du canon : 10,2 cm ; 20 cm pour P08/14 Capacité : 8 coups. Catégorie B . Vend
Shooting the Artillery Luger - Made In 1917 - Duration: 7:09. The Canadian Gun Vault Inc. 46,517 views. 7:09. 1918 Erfurt 9mm Luger - Duration: 3:18. Erfurt ~ 1917 ~ 9mm Description: This Erfurt Model 1917 Luger is a semi-automatic pistol that comes in 9mm Cal. It has a 4 inch barrel. A blade front and notch rear sight. The grips are a diamond checkered walnut. It comes with a P08 black leather holster and two magazines. The serial nu 9mm Luger SOLD Caliber Info: 9mm Chambers: Semi-Auto 8.
LUGER P08 ERFURT calibre 9Para - ADS : Armurerie Army
9mm Luger; 90% blue, 50% straw, Good bore, good grips, 4' barrel, Original blue finish, strawed small parts and matching number checkered walnut grips. All matching including the magazine. Stamped on top of the toggle crown/ERFURT and on top of the chamber with the date 1917. Standard Imperial proofing and military acceptance marks Luger P08 9mm 1917 Erfurt Holster Capture papers SOLD $2479 With capture papers , shipping note and copy of enlistment papers for a veteran who brought it back from the WWII. All matching and restored to like new condition With strong bore with some darkness in the groves. With original holster and loading tool Original Magazine with unit markings on the bottom of the magazine. Very good. Function Check...I realized when I was editing the Video, the reason why my shot group was high, is I was using a Modern Pistol sight picture (Point of Aim,.
LUGER P08 ERFURT 1917 - tircollection
# 796 BYF 41 Luger (Restricted) # 797 P08 Erfurt 1916 # 798 Mauser S/42 1937 (restricted) #799 Japanese Nambu T14 Rig # 800 1937 Mauser Luger (Restricted) # 801 Mauser Luger Rig dated 1939 # 802 Walther P38 AC 44 Rig #803 Walther P38 AC 42 Rig # 804 BYF 41 Luger Rig # 805 BYF 41 Black Widow Luger Rig # 806 Luger Police issue rig # 808 Mauser Luger Dated G # 809 P38 Walther AC41 # 810 Luger. Die Parabellum-Pistole, auch Luger genannt, ist eine Selbstladepistole. Die 1908 im Kaiserreich als Pistole 08 eingeführte Ordonnanzwaffe wurde vom Österreicher Georg Luger konstruiert. Die Bezeichnung Parabellum rührt vom lateinischen Ausspruch si vis pacem para bellum (Wenn Du Frieden willst, bereite Dich auf den Krieg vor) her und war Warenzeichen und Telegrammadresse. Luger is on Mixcloud. For your firearm, the following current values apply (from the Blue Book of Gun Values). com Luger P08 ERFURT WITH BRITSH PROOF MARKS ALL MATCHING WITH HOLSTER 1918 DATE - 9mm Luger $2,999. , could have further information. It has 5442 stamped on the left side just below that date and 42 stamped on various parts. It has a 4 inch barrel. German) since 1968 Munich since. 1917 Erfurt Luger - What is the value? Jump to Latest Follow 1 - 11 of 11 Posts If you just wanted to shoot this pistol every so often, a couple of pointers: replacement parts are available for your P08, but they can be pricey. A good place to start would be Numrich Gun Parts in West Hurley, New York. Original parts are old and will break. Wolf Gun Springs makes a great replacement. Luger with matching number flat stock, Erfurt 1917 Description: Erfurt Luger with flat stock with serial numbr (2339) that matches barrel, reciever and visable small parts. Slide parts numbered 89. Great shiny throughout bore with no imperfections. Bluing and general condition is great with no dings or scratches and pistol is shootable. Does.
THIS IS A 1917 ERFURT MILITARY GERMAN LUGER, 9MM. THE LUGER IS IN VERY GOOD CONDITON. NUMBER MATCHING, VERY GOOD BORE AND GRIPS, M for sale by misterluger on GunsAmerica - 98458618 1914 erfurt 22500 1915dwm 6000 1916 18000 1917 137000 1918 14000 dwm 175 000 erfurt 22500 le marine 1904 11500 dwm 1906 24000 de 1906 a 1910 apres il est sortie le marine commerciale, et une autre serie pour la kriegsmarine apres les autres fabriquants,simson (suhl) 1922-1932 mauser 1930-1942 krieghoff j ai seulement 10 000 e Qui sait, ici je trouverai peut-être la personne qui voudra acheter ce Luger P08, aura permis à 2 personnes d'échanger, et j'aurai ainsi participé totalement à l'animation ce forum, certes dans une moindre proportion que les habitués, mais je suis et je resterai un membre de passage, comme il y en a et comme il y en aura encore beaucoup. Amicalement Olivier Voir le Blog de. LugerP08 9mm 1917Erfurt Holster Capture papers SOLD $2479 With capture papers , shipping note and copy of enlistment papers for a veteran who brought it back from the WWII. All matching and restored to like new condition With strong bore with some darkness in the groves. With original holster and loading tool Original Magazine with unit markings on the bottom of the magazine. Very good.

luger p08 en vente eBa
- je suis sur un luger erfurt 1917 mais n'etant pas rechargeur je me demandais quelles munitions utilisè en sachant qu'il ne va pas tirer souvent. william30 sergeant Nombre de messages: 107 Age: 50 Localisation: france Date d'inscription : 15/01/2014. J'aime Je n'aime pas . Re: munition pour luger ww1. par milos obilic le Mar 13 Jan 2015 - 13:28. avant de l'utiliser emmène le chez un armurier.
- Luger Identification Guide - Prototype, Commercial & Test Lugers (1895-1914) This is one of a series of identification guides for small arms. To the best of our knowledge, all the examples shown are original pre-1945 manufacture
- The Royal Erfurt Arsenal, located in Thuringia, resulted of the acquisition by the state (1840-1851) and merging (1862) of two private owned firearm firms situated in Saarn and Hattingen, Rhenania. The Arsenal was endowed the best production machinery to warrant the Military the armament quality and quantity they needed. Following the adoption of the Luger pistol in 1908, the Arsenal was.
- Just wanted to show off my 1917 Eufurt P08 Luger The story I got was the Germans had to turn in all their arms at the end of the war. MASSIVE piles were made with them. The commanders let the troops march by the piles and pick out whatever they wanted. My grandfather picked out a P08 Luger and some other things. He was in the 87th Golden Acorn the grips don't match the gun, but the grips match.
ERFURT produced LP08 only in 1914. I saw an ERFURT 1917, the barrel has the same gun serial number. The seller says: it is a P08 to which the barrel was changed into arsenal or on site. The barrel and the viewfinder are not adjustable. Do you think it is possible This is a 1916 dated early Imperial Luger manufactured by the Royal Arsenal at Erfurt. The 1916 Chamber date is the year of production by Erfurt, in this case in the middle of the war. This is a 9mm Parabellum with a 100mm barrel. Just like it came from the battlefield of WWI. (961) Serial number placement is in the military (exposed) style; displayed on the left side of the receiver, the. KWC Luger P08 Métal 4.5mm(.177) bb Co2 Blowback 1.6J . Neuf. Livraison gratuite. 134,90 € pistolet Luger P08 fab. DWM 1917 calibre 9 para. modèle impérial parfait état mono-matricule . Occasion. 1 200,00 € Achat immédiat. Mis en vente le 25/11/2020. Etui Luger P08 . Occasion. 370,00 € Achat immédiat. Mis en vente le 25/11/2020. LUGER P08 . Neuf. 25,00 € Achat immédiat. Se. Salut, pour avoir un Marine 1917 Erfurt et un P 08 DWM 1918, la qualité et similaire pour ne pas dire parfaite, aucune différence entre les deux armes, toujours la même rigueur de fabrication Allemande. Pour la cote il est évident que ww1 sont plus cotés si en bon état général, j'ai la chance d'avoir l'étui d'origine du P 14 malgré une transformation de guerre(En lieu et place du. The Luger Story by John Walter Click here for more info . Luger Accessories price : 7.95 US $ Click here to download: Long Luger Pistol (1917) by Naval & Military Press (May 2003) Click here for more info . The Luger Producers price : 7.95 US $ Click here to download: The Luger Models price : 7.95 US $ Click here to downloa
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Essai armes Pistolet Luger P-08 de 1916 / calibre 9 mm
Description: Used: P08 German Luger DWM 1917 9mm Semi-Auto Pistol, all matching serial numbers, 4 blue-steel barrel, blue-steel toggle, chamber and receiver, blue-steel grip frame with stock lug, fixed sights, checkered wood grips. BUYER MUST ADD 3% IF NOT PAYING WITH A CASHIER'S CHECK OR MONEY ORDER.(VPGS17506WZQR) Toggle stamped with DWM crest and top of chamber stamped 1917 Luger Erfurt 1917, two matched mags, rig - 9mm Luger BuyItNow! $4,500.00: 0 $4,500.00 $4,585.00: 3d 20h 12m 14847950 . No Reserve. Taurus PT709 Slim 9mm 709 FS Compact Concealed Carry Pistol 9 mm Layaway Available - 9mm Luger BuyItNow! $329.99: 0 $329.99 $349.99: 4d 22h 5m 17009161. No Reserve. Luger P08 ALL MATCHING NO IMPORT MARKS. - 9mm Luger BuyItNow! $1,799.00: 0 $1,799.00 $2,999.00: 5d. VERY RARE ORIGINAL WW1 ARTILLERY LUGER HOLSTER DATED 1917. D'occasion. 377,25 EUR. Provenance : États-Unis . Achat immédiat +20,16 EUR (livraison) PISTOL GUN PRESENTATION CUSTOM DISPLAY CASE BOX for LUGER P08 ARTILLERY 8 inch. Neuf. 378,09 EUR. Provenance : Ukraine. ou Faire une offre +37,81 EUR (livraison) C'est le dernier. Suivi par 20 personnes. SUPER RARE ORIGINAL PERSIAN ARTILLERY LUGER. Sujet: Pistolet Luger à identifier Lun 28 Fév 2011 - 20:40: Bonjour à vous, Je possède un pistolet mais je n'en connais pas vraiment l'origine et encore moins sa valeur. Il s'agit d'un pistolet Luger (P08 ?), calibre 7,65 Parabellum. Marquages DWM, N surmonté d'une couronne, pas d'année, pas de poinçon allemand, juste le numéro de série. J'ai lu sur un site que c'est un pistolet.
Pistolets Luger : achat d'armes Luger, neuf et occasion
- The 1917 Navy has the thumb safety and a stock lug. This Luger has all matching numbers. There are many theories as to why the rings on the Navy magazines; 7.65 - vs. - 9mm, to separate the magazines for accountability. In any case it makes it easy to identify a Navy
- Luger P08 forum; Any idea of the Value of 1917 Luger? Become our sponsor and display your banner here. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Last. Jump to page: Results 1 to 10 of 19 Any idea of the Value of 1917 Luger? Article about: My grandfather brought home this 1917 Luger. I have stories of him taking it from a dead german officer. (Note: My grandfather past away when I was a child so my memory is very fuzzy.
- Luger Identification Guide - Rework and non-DWM Lugers (1915-1945) This is one of a series of identification guides for small arms. The 1920 dated and double dated rework Lugers (DWM and Erfurt) are in the Lugers - DWM Commercial 1898-1929 Gallery. To the best of our knowledge, all the examples shown are original pre-1945 manufacture. If anyone has questions or suggestions, please contact.
- ERFURT LUGER 1920/1917-18 - C40355 9mm; 90% blue, 55% straw, very good bore, very good grips, 4' barrel, The metal finish has muzzle wear and high edge wear on the receiver
- The adoption of the Lange Pistole 08 or LP 08, aka the Artillery Luger, was authorised by the Kaiser on the 2 July 1913. This P08 variation was equipped with a 200 mm (7.9 in) barrel, an 8-position tangent rear sight (calibrated to 800 meters (870 yd)) and a board-type shoulder stock with an attached leather holster
- Voici mon Luger P 08 fabrication fin de guerre qui est pratiquement neuf, une fabrication Erfurt, toutes les pièces aux même numéro chargeur inclus. Apparemment, il a l'air rebronzé récemment, et bien non, juste passé à l'huile de paraffine juste avant la prise de photo, ce qui lui donne cet aspect de noir profond,il est dommage, j'en ai trop mis et ça m'a taché le bois d'une.
How to Determine the Value of a 1917 Erfurt German Luger
- t condition, to badly damaged and eroded guns. This affects the value of the collector's item. With a pricing guide and a keen eye, you can deter
- rule. Item has Ended. Ending Time. 10/25/2020 8:50 PM. Item viewed 710 times. Share. Item : 881861298: Location: Bay City, MI.
- Ce P 08/14 de l'arsenal d'Erfurt, daté 1918 était réglementaire dans l'armée allemande, et les poinçons d'épreuve se situent sur la droite de la glissière (lettres gothiques surmontées de couronne). Quoique en état moyen, il peut intéresser un amateur
- The P08 pistol, commonly known as the Luger, only has 2 screws in the entire construction - the screws that hold the grips. The hole in the tool is placed over the lug on the side of the magazine with the turned-over section outwards. You press down on this to push the follower down to load the ammo. Without that tool you need a titanium thumbnail! Originally Posted by Rusty.303. The trigger.
- Luger et les techniciens munitionnaires de la DWM répondirent aux critiques en élargissant la bouche de la cartouche en col de bouteille de 7,65 mm, de façon que les flancs de l'étui même soient droits et en y insérant un projectile tronconique de 9 mm. Le Modèle 1908 devint, en jargon militaire, le Pistolet 08; c'était un calibre 9 mm au canon de 4 pouces sans sûreté de p
- Luger ARTILARY ALL MATCHING GUN 1917 DATE. - 9mm Luger $2,500.00: 0 $2,500.00 8d 14h 52m 17014467. No Reserve. Luger P08 MAUSER S/42 1937 DATE ALL MATCHING AND MAGAZINE 7952 - 9mm Luger $2,500.00: 0 $2,500.00 8d 15h 3m 17014574. No Reserve. Luger P08 ERFURT WITH BRITSH PROOF MARKS ALL MATCHING WITH HOLSTER 1918 DATE - 9mm Luger $2,999.00: 0 $2,999.00 8d 17h 11m 13537541. No Reserve. Mauser w.
- Allemand célèbre Luger P08 piston dans le Flying Heritage Collection Museum à l'usine de fabriqué par Erfurt Arsenal en 1914, calibre 9 x 19, numéro de série 3434 A, le stock de bois avec le numéro 5884 (sangles en cuir déposées). Peint en noir, avec son magasin à fond de bois. Corrodé et repoli. Dans son étui en cuir noir d'origine fabriqué par « C. Billep G.M.B.H. Berlin.
rechargement pour Luger P08 - Forumacti
Vintage Luger P08S/42 Magazine with Aluminum Base. Marked#251& S/42 on Base. body is Nickel Plated with Strong Spring. Follower is Steel and shows very little use. Shipping $5.00 Powered by The free listing tool. List your items fast and easy and manage your active items. Vintage Luger P08 DWM Rear Toggle Links #70 + Parts. Vintage Luger P08 EarlyDWM Rear Toggle Links-Reblued#70. Luger's marketing genius in this regard equaled his genius in pistol design. In fact, what American collectors call the Luger pistol, is throughout the rest of the world known by the name Georg Luger himself gave Chapter 1 Luger History Chapters 1-6.indd 5 7/22/06 9:38:55 AM. 6 Standard Catalog of Luger his revolutionary pistol: The Parabellum. Throughout this book, we'll use the. DWM 1917 Artillery Luger. Handguns, Main Permalink. Amongst the various models of Austrian designer Georg Luger's famous pistol the Artillery model is one of the most iconic and most desirable. Interestingly the inspiration for this pistol came from Hugo Borchardt, a German who had spent time in the United States working for Winchester, Sharps and Colt before returning to his native Germany. WW1 German Luger P08 ERFURT COMPLETE Matching Toggle Magazine Holster NR NICE!! Here is an out standing WW 1 German Luger toggle in excellent condition! Only one part bears a different serial. The firing pin. ALL other parts match! Please feel free to ask me any qu estions. And be sure and c heck out my for more LUGER parts! WW1 WW2 German Luger P08 1921 9MM BARREL W/ EXTENSION Toggle Magazine.
Mon petit dernier un P08 ERFURT de 1914 - tircollection

German Luger P08 Serial Numbers Serial Key Europa Universalis 4 Demo Свежие Ключи Для Нод 32 Одноклассники The Karate Kid Full Movie Hd Rip Dual Aduio Smart Defrag 3 Pro Serial Number Anaconda 2 Full Movie In Hindi 720p Compaq Evo N800c Xp Drivers How To The Ancient Warfare Mod The Atlantic Craft Netkar Pro Paycode Keygen Rambo 3 Full Hd Movie Download Powerdvd 10. Luger p08 d'occasion. Accélérez votre recherche . Trouvez Luger p08 sur Leboncoin, eBay, Amazon et autres. C'est simple : Cherchez, Cliquez, Trouvez This is a fully deactivated 1917 dated p08 Luger pistol. Made by Erfurt with a matching, original 1917 dated leather holster. The barrel, action and magazine are all permanently plugged. This is probably the coolest paper weight that money can buy! do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offer The P08 Luger was one of the first handguns I ever owned. I learned how to shoot pistol in large part with my first one. Seven years ago I sold it because I needed money. In the last couple of years I started to miss my Luger so I decided I would find another. This last January I attended a local auction and won this 1917 DWM. The pistol shoots fantastically well and brings back good memory's.
WTS: 1917 Luger P08 Erfurt Jan C
- Product Description WWI 1917 DATED Erfurt Arsenal P08 LUGER Pistol Iconic WORLD WAR I Imperial German 9mm Pistol Here we present a WWI 1917 Dated Luger P08 Pistol, made at the Royal Arsenal at Erfurt, Germany. These were made for the Imperial German Army and were used in the bitter fighting of trench warfare of the Great War. Georg Luger was the inventor and the namesake of this.
- Le pistolet Luger P-08 est très certainement l'une des armes de poing les plus connues et les plus recherchées de toute la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Son nom, Parabellum, vient de la célèbre devise latine Si vis pacem, para bellum : Si tu veux la paix, prépare toi à la guerre
- Luger Parabellum Model 1908, the most widely used pistol in the German army They were often used from 1917 with 'snail' magazines with 32 cartridges and about 250.000 are said to have been built. All these versions of the Model 1908 pistol used the same mechanism, an upward opening toggle lock. When the pistol is fired, all hinge elements of the knee lever are in a row to close the.
- The incident occurred early on the morning of 9 April 1917, during preparations for the first battle of Bullecourt. Jacka and Lieutenant Bradley of the 16th Battalion were laying tapes for the infantry jump off point when Jacka noticed a German officer and his orderly patrolling the area
- En ce qui concerne le Luger P08: J'ai pris des renseignements auprès d'un ami ( collectionneur d'armes ) et voici quelques renseignements. Tout dépend naturellement de l'état général de l'arme. Si celle-ci est en bonne état il faut compter aux environs de 550 à 600 euros. Maintenant d'autres facteurs entrent en ligne de compte. Par exemple la date de fabrication. Comme le 08 l'indique.
- Both are in 9mm, one is a 1917 DWM Luger, and the other is a Russian Capture 1939 P08, but that one is in rough condition, as it was pitted before being dipped. Do you think the WWI would be as strong as a shooter as the WWII luger? I love to learn as much as I can.I thank you so very much for the info, gives me a lot to think about. I will keep you updated when I make my final decision on.
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lot 26070: wwi german erfurt p08 luger 9mm pisto What is the ballpark value of a 1917 P08 luger, all serial numbers match, it is in good condition. It is a shooter. Submitted: 7 years ago. Category: Firearms. Show More. Show Less. Ask Your Own Firearms Question. Share this conversation. Answered in 13 minutes by: 2/10/2012. Firearms Expert: Bill, Gunsmith replied 7 years ago. Bill, Gunsmith. Category: Firearms. Satisfied Customers: 2,475.
This is an example of a standard WWI 1908 German Luger pistol as manufactured by the Erfurt factory in 1912. Prior to 1914 Erfurt Military Luger pistols were not supplied with the stock lug on the back grip strap or a hold open device. Some pistols were later modified with the hold open installed, however this example remains unmodified. The top of the chamber is marked 1912 for the year of. The toggle-top and chamber markings indicate this particular p.08 was manufactured at the Erfeur Arsenal in 1917. That year Erfurt turned out 150,000 Parabellums. Before the Luger, there was the Borchardt. German-born inventor Hugo Borchardt, who became a naturalized American citizen in his teens, returned to his native country, and in collaboration with manufacturer Lugwig Loewe, introduced. 1916 P08 LUGER DWM 9mm WWI PISTOL HANDGUN by Imperial Auction. Est: $900- $1,200. $650 8 Bids. Nov 28, 1:00 PM EST Ruger SR9C 9MM SEMI AUTOMATIC GUN +3 Clips by RB Fine Arts. Est: $350- $450. $300 8 Bids. Sellers Who Sell Luger Pistols. Hermann Historica GmbH. Poulin Antiques & Auctions. Holts Auctioneers. Old Barn Auction. Blog; About; Contact; Careers ; Help; Sell on Invaluable; Press. Buy Luger P08 Model of 1914, Erfurt, Dated 1917, Unit Marked: GunBroker is the largest seller of Semi Auto Pistols Pistols Guns & Firearms All: 88513247
* Dwm Model 1917 Luger Pistol, 1915 DWM Luger, German Luger, P08 Luger Parts, Barrel And Extension . 1915 DWM Luger, German Luger, P08 Luger Parts Trigger With Spring * Dwm 1917 Po8 Luger Pistol, * Dwm 1916 Po8 Luger Pistol, * DWM 1917 PO8 Luger Pistol. 1915 DWM Luger, German Luger, P08 Luger Parts, Complete Top Toggle Assem * DWM Model 1917 Luger Pistol. More Items From Cowan's Auctions * Hi. 1920 Commercial converted to a Baby Luger 1912 Erfurt 1913 Erfurt British proofed 1917 Erfurt 1918 Erfurt Police rework. I brake for animals, if they're big enough to dent my car. What did you expect would happen? Next time give him a block of clay with some wires and batteries. uncut. Joined Feb 2006; Posts 287; EE 100% (2) UT, USA. Posted: 4/22/2007 7:33:21 PM EST My LNIB 1966 commercial P38. Luger P08 forum; Luger question; Become our sponsor and display your banner here. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Last. Jump to page: Results 1 to 10 of 14 Luger question. Article about: Hi Guys, I have been offered this 1917 Luger by a co-worker, it's been in his family since 1931. The gun has matching serial numbers (7000 range), 2 clips are serialize to the gun (1 clip is. 12-06-2012, 02:19 AM #1. What is the value of a 1917 9mm nickle plated Luger made by Erfurt serial # XXXXX all numbers match except for clip. Weapon is in 99% condition. Submitted: 9 years ago. Category: Firearms. Show More. Show Less . Ask Your Own Firearms Question. Share this conversation. Answered in 16 minutes by: 7/27/2011. Firearms Expert: Bill, Gunsmith replied 9 years ago. Bill, Gunsmith. Category: Firearms.
Nickel Plated 1917 Erfurt Luger 2yr · Dr_Burbeans · r/GunPorn. This is Luger. Luger likes snow. Luger Chomps at Snow. Silly little Luger. 3yr · macksscrub · r/germanshepherds. Grandpa's WW2 Luger, with Nazi insignia 2yr · NickW762 · r/weekendgunnit. Just found a lug nut in my fruit bar 5mo · HaemmerHead · r/mildlyinteresting. Lugers: A Visual Guide 1yr · TheFirstRolo · r/BattlefieldV. Deactivated 1917 German Luger by DWM with full matching numbers:: Here`s a good looking 1917 Luger, full matching numbers apart from the mag, made by DWM. Original finish with some pitting , nothing bad and we just love the original wood grips. Cocks and dry fires, mag ejects and has correct deactivation certficate. - a must for any serious collection! WW1 1917 Luger by Efurt, matching numbers. DWM P08 Luger 9mm (PR39490) $1,895.00 $1,610.75. DWM P08 Luger 9mm caliber pistol. German Police marked Luger. It was originally produced as a commercial Luger. Arsenal converted to 9mm. Front grip strap is marked SP.Bn. 727. (crossed out) 1910. Most likely Schutz Polizei..
1917 was near the end of WW1 and many Lugers were parted out. Some were junked (shame) and some were rebuilt using the parts and were re-stamped 1920 under the 1917 which was left intact. Most of these do not have matching numbers. When you find a double date Luger with matching numbers it is likely someone has gone through a bunch of parts and come up with the correctly numbered parts or has. Luger P08 ERFURT Calibre 9 Para Armes pour le tir à l'arme réglementaire (T.A.R) 0.00€ M'avertir du retour en stock Ajouter au Panier. VICTIME DE SON SUCCÈS. LUGER P08 ERFURT calibre 9Para. 0.00€ M'avertir du retour en stock Ajouter au Panier. VICTIME DE SON SUCCÈS. Ajouté avec succès à votre panier. Ajout au panier... LUGER P08 byf40 calibre 9Para. Description: CATEGORIE B Luger. Erfurt Baby Luger with Custom Hardshell Holster and Custom Presentation Case. Thor340. Thor340 Replies: 2 Views: 356 4/11/2020 10:37 AM Thor340 AC45 c block GI put-together **PICS ADDED** Teddydog. Teddydog Replies: 1 Views: 401 4/8/2020 8:47 PM Teddydog Full Spectrum-Luger/Mauser Broomhandle/P.38s. Thor340. Thor340 Replies: 9 Views: 640 3/13/2020 2:50 PM P08 Tell me about my Luger. oak86. Collectable P08 Luger Parabellum Items For Sale. TERMS: All firearms are sold in compliance with all federal, state and local laws. No sales outside of the United States or to Chicago, New York, or New Jersey-sorry. California sales are OK with proper dealer/state authorization (we are registered with the California DoJ). All sales will be transferred via your Curio & Relic License (C&R) if.
Pistola Luger P08 Erfurt 1912 Cal.9x19 Usada. Código do produto: 00869 1.539,00 € * Em stock Pistola Luger P08 Krieghoff 1937 Cal.9x19 Usada (VENDIDA) Código do produto: 00935 5.350,00 € * Pistola Luger P08 Erfurt 1917 Cal.9x19 Usada. Código do produto: 00958 1.199,00 € * Em stock Novo Pistola Luger 1906 Cal.7,65Para. Usada. Código do produto: 01385 745,90 € * Em stock Novo Pistola. Jun 15, 2020 - Ok the Luger is a controversial gun in my opinion, but well designed in my opinion. The controversy begins because of the roll it played in the Nazi War Machine and the holocaust. It was mostly used later on amongst the Eastern Guards, which was another controversy because the Eastern Guard worked on the Berlin Wall. In the West the German Police Officers were using these for a. Hi to every one, this is my first post here, today I purchased my first luger wich is a 1917 erfurt artillery luger w/ original holster all matching
This Erfurt Model 1917 Luger is a semi-automatic pistol that comes in 9mm Cal. It has a 4 inch barrel. A blade front and notch rear sight. The grips are a diamond checkered walnut. It comes with a P08 black leather holster and two magazines. The serial nu. Show more. Web ID: 100686639 Used Gun Details Action Model Number Cartridge or Gauge Chambers WoodCondition SightsScope Extras Barrels. Lot 483: Erfurt P08 Pistol 9 mm. 4 Sold For. Go. Open Fullscreen. World War I 1917 Dated Erfurt Luger Semi-Automatic Pistol with Matching Magazine. Estimate Price: $1,600 - $2,250. Item Views. 986. Serial # Manufacturer. Erfurt. Model. P08. Type. Pistol. Gauge. 9 mm. Catalog Page. 108. Barrel. 4 inch round. Finish. blue . Grip. walnut. Stock. Class. Curio & Relic Handgun. Rating. Description. (80) 80 product ratings - Mec-Gar LUGER P.08 P08 P-08 9mm 8 Round MAGAZINE MGLUGP08B FAST SHIP. $33.94. Was: $41.80. Free shipping. 41 sold. LUGER P08 8RD 9MM BLUED OE MAGAZINE (MAGLUG) 5 out of 5 stars (1) 1 product ratings - LUGER P08 8RD 9MM BLUED OE MAGAZINE (MAGLUG) $39.00. Free shipping. Magazine Mag For German P.08 P08 9mm or 30 Luger 7 Rd Stainless Steel Wood . 4.5 out of 5 stars (7) 7. colt 1917 cz24 et cz27 enfield n4 enfield smle fn1900 g11k11 garand k31 m14 springfield luger p08 mab e mannlicher m95 mas 36 mas 45 mas 49 mauser 71 ppsh 41.
Brand new 107 mm barrel installed.....Real nice historical Luger.....Has unit markings.....price is negotiable. Skip to main content. If you have a Wanted Ad posted, be advised a scammer is targeting wanted ads. Review our online safety tips here. Le Luger Artillerie , adopté par l'armée allemande le 3 juillet 1913, était destiné entre autres, aux troupes d'artillerie. Il s'agit d'une très belle pièce de collection. L'arsenal de Erfurt ne le produira que durant l'année 1914. La DWM assurant le reste de la production durant toute la guerre 14-18. Il est présenté ci-dessous avec. View Cart Mauser WW2 42 CODE P08 Luger 9mm Pistol-SOLD has been added to your cart. Luger Showing all 20 results. Artillery Luger Holster and Shoulder Stock Rig-SOLD $ 345.00 Read more; DWM 1916 & 1917 9mm Artillery Luger with Tommel Magazine Read more; DWM 1916 Artillery 9mm Luger with Original Holster & Shoulder Stock-SOLD $ 4,800.00 Read more; DWM 1916 P08 9mm Luger Pistol. $ 5,990.00. Luger P08 Original Factory Wood Stock DWM 1917 Artillery WWI Very Good #157. $349.99 + $7.99 shipping . Luger Swiss Military Cleaning Set Swiss Cross Proofed Original Complete . $114.00. Free shipping . Vintage Unmarked Mint Luger P08 4 inch Barrel Comes W/O Front Sight EXC Cond *** $99.99. Free shipping . Luger Mauser DWM Grips German WWI / WWII Original . $194.00. Free shipping . P.08 LUGER. Typical WW1 issue Luger made at the Erfurt plant. Matching numbers on frame, slide, barrel, trigger, sear bar, extractor, toggles, bolt, side plate and stamped inside each of the grip panels. Toggle is stamped Erfurt with crown. Features blue finish with straw color small parts. Comes with a non-stamped wood base magazine. Gun retains solid 85% original blue with straps blending patina. Fine. Erfurt Government Arms Factory: Place made: Germany: Date made: c 1916 Conflict: First World War, 1914-1918: Description. Luger P08 eight round inline magazine. The magazine is made from sheet metal and features a steel follower and spring. A shaped wooden extraction handle is attached at the base of the magazine. Markings - 1552 MANUFACTURERS ACCEPTANCE STAMP. History / Summary. The magazine.