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Since acquiring the rights to build the RockBuster drill rigs in April of 2010 we have made many changes to adapt the rigs to the needs of the end user. Since 2010 we have added models, increased tophead power and increased efficiency.
Our rigs have been used by contractors, non-profits, and NGOs around the world. They have been shipped to places like Niger, Nigeria, Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, South Africa, Malawi, Peru, Uruguay, Chile, and many more.

Rockbuster R77 Mag Repair Manual 2016
Get in touch with us to set up a consultation, or use the contact form at the bottom of this page to inquire whether our rigs are right for you.
7641 N FM 39

Jewett, TX 75846
(903) 669-1602
67hp Diesel Power
Torque: 900 ft-lbs (1220Nm)
Pullback: 12,000lbs (static)
105hp Diesel Power
Torque: up to 3165 ft-lbs (4291Nm)
Pullback: 25,000lbs (static)
60hp Diesel Power
Torque: up to 1510 ft-lbs (2047Nm)
Pullback: 15,000lbs (static)
Rockbuster R77 Mag Repair Manual Review
Crawler/Truck Mounted
Any model can be upgraded to be crawler or truck mounted.
91hp Diesel Power
Torque: up to 2265 ft-lbs (3071Nm)
Pullback: 15,000lbs (static)

Custom Work
Rockbuster R77 Mag Repair Manual 2017
If our models do not suit your needs then lets talk to see if something can be designed for you.